Welcome to
Highest Healing Energy &
Spiritual Shamanic Healings
My Soul Work

Hi, my name is Stephanie, a natural born healer (God's gift of healing) and anointed Spiritual Shamanic Healer trained by world renowned Shaman Teacher and Healer of Healers, Victor Barron. I'm currently in his Advanced Healer trainings and I am in awe of all the miracles God gives to all of us and specially those who are ready to receive. I also constantly receive my own Spiritual Healings and every year with God's grace I grow into higher consciousness to be able to sustain more of God's light for myself and to give to others via these sacred healings.
Through my 10+ years of dedication to learning and growing as a Spiritual Healer with God,
I have received blessed healing anointments of over 100+ healing work modalities to offer you help in every area of your life. Body, Mind Spirit - for there are no limitations when we surrender and believe.
If you are experiencing or would like to experience a Spiritual Awakening in a safe space, please reach out to me. I welcome you with so much compassion for your journey and a higher degree of healer integrity.
I look forward to meeting you
God bless